Inspiration Friday: Braids
Inspiration Friday: Braids

Inspiration Friday: Braids

I’ve really been into braids lately & lucky for me there seems to be tons of ideas floating around on different ways to do them. Here are some of my fave’s:

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If only I knew how to accomplish this! Braided bun {Carter & Cook Event Co.}

Half-up braid – this woman is amazing! {the Small Things blog}

Braided Messy Bun
I do this one often 🙂 Braided Messy Bun {My Yellow Sandbox}

Waterfall braid how-to video {Cute Girl Hairstyles}
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Plaited Half Up {Hair Romance}
A different take on the braided headband concept {Curls n Pearls}
sooo pretty {Style Me Pretty}

Ok, so not  braid, but I love to combine this WITH braiding [see below] {Makeup by Tiffany D}
No, I am not going to try and start pretending I know anything about hair! But I do want to share how I usually use these inspirations…
braid + poof + high pony {my “poof” needs some work lol} o and I’m not trying to look artsy here – it’s harder than I thought to photograph yourself in the mirror!

If I don’t do a high pony, I love doing a low side pony or messy bun. As I was doing this one I got to thinking one of Kasey‘s crocheted flower hair clips would look awesome with this style… but I don’t have one yet, so I had to settle for what I could find 😛


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