I’m not usually big on sharing my “medical issues,” but I must share that I’m getting LASIK in just a few short hours!
I’ve been wanting this for years now, but have always been terrified of getting it done. I mean seriously, if something goes wrong it’s your EYES. However after a lot of research and prayer and everything just seemingly “coming together” {as far as the timing and financing,} I feel super confident I’m making the right choice.
So if you happen to see this today, keep me in your thoughts & prayers and I’ll be catching up with everyone in a few days! 🙂
That being said, I’m going to be away for several days and just wanted to let you guys know what was going on. I have a couple posts scheduled for tomorrow and Friday, but in order to let my eyes rest I won’t actually be around until at least this weekend {I have no idea how my eyes will react – some people are apparently fine right away and others take much longer.} I intend to write a much lengthier post on the procedure itself and my experience with it after all is said and done… but for now I really just need to not think about it!
You have beautiful eyes! Good luck and congrats!
Good luck! I wish my eyes were Lasik worthy. It would save a lot of trouble!
Praying for you!
How exciting and scary! I hope you write a post about what it is like – I've thought about it but I can't stand the idea of being able to see something come at my eye and not be able to close it!!
good for you!! my husband keeps putting this off because he is busy….but pretty soon he will be joining you in the lasix ranks..almost everyone is happy with the results!
EEEK! Good for you! I'm a little late, but I'll shoot some prayers your way. Good luck!
Thanks everyone for your thoughts & prayers! Looks like I won't actually be having this until NEXT Wednesday. Sighhh – {you can read today's post for more of an explanation :P}