I love art. And I love the cutesy kids type art that I see all over Target and everywhere else these days… what I am not loving is the price they want me to pay for said art.

And so we have Mr. Fish. When I was creating him, for whatever reason, I though I was using my watercolor colored pencils {which are really cool} so I added water to him. They were not my water colour pencils. lol. Luckily it didn’t ruin the picture… just warped the paper a bit. Shortly after this creation {which I obviously posted to Facebook} my sister asked me to do a seahorse…

I had some old frames already so I just trimmed the pictures ever so slightly to make them fit. Simple, personal wall art outside the nursery!
Ok, so that was really only like 2 examples, but the moral of the story is to get creative & don’t be afraid to experiment!
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