
Inspiration Friday: Princess Kate

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So I’ve never really focused on an individual person for Inspiration Friday, but every single time I see a picture of the former Kate Middleton, I am just in awe of how gorgeous she looks. Of course I’m sure it helps to have a crap ton of money and to actually have a reason to wear dresses all the time and not look out of place. But still. The biggest reason she inspires me is because she ALWAYS looks classy and pulled together. To be fair, she does have just as many amazing “casual” looks… which is what I’m going to focus on today πŸ™‚

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Inspiration Friday: Sew Amazing

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Happy Friday everyone! Today is sunny and wonderful, and I’m very optimistic it’s going to be a great day. With the weekend just around the corner, comes the time to work on all my wonderful Spring projects. O if there were time to do everything I wanted. To I’m sharing some of the awesome sewing projects that look super fun to attempt… maybe someday I’ll have time for them all!

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Inspiration Friday: Vintage Windows

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My second post ever on this blog was about how I found some amazing windows at a couple of old barns on some land my dad owns and how I want to fix them up into something awesome:


Well that was back in October, and it quickly became too cold to work outside on them in the garage {excuses, excuses!} In the mean time, my grandmother commissioned me to fix some of them up specifically for her! They are in the process of building a new barn and would like a few of these for the interior. I’ve got them cleaned up, I have most of my supplies bought – now I just need to take the plunge and do it! {Which is only slightly intimidating since I technically have no idea what I’m doing, but o well} And so since I intend on getting down to business on these bad boys tomorrow, I thought I’d share some of the inspirations we drew from when working up the plans for these {and some that are just plain awesome!} You’ll have to wait and see what I actually do with them πŸ˜›

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So what do you guys think? Any of these ideas rock your socks of?? & are there any other awesome ideas I should know about? O and if anyone has done this before and would like to share some tips with me, that would be great too πŸ™‚